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Become a Dealer
We build all of our own products and we do not import safes from China. Using only American-made steel, parts and components, our three safe lines are built to be the most secure, highest quality and most affordably priced safes found in America.
Unlike other safe manufacturers, we sell only to independent retailers — not big retailers or chain stores. You won’t find our products at Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, Lowes, Sears, Gander Mountain, Bass Pro, etc.
Why don’t we sell to these large retailers? Below are six reasons why we sell only to independent retailers – six reasons why a quality minded person should buy at their local independent retailer.
Jump to ReasonsWhy We Only Sell to Independent Retailers
Valuing High-Quality Manufacturing
Large retailers seek national brands they can buy at bargain or close-out pricing. Safe manufacturers know that low prices and deep discounts cannot sustain
high quality manufacturing. They find ways to produce lower cost products, often using less expensive materials. This begins the “Death Spiral” or “Race to
the Bottom”. What was once a quality brand name becomes a low-value, imported product.
How often do you see quality products in the big box stores? It is rare because large retailers sell to the masses that are looking for low-cost bargain priced
items. Some retailers might have a few specialty departments, such as camera or television but overall, low price is more important than quality.
Higher Levels of Expertise
Large retailers sell products that are generally simple and easy to understand and require little sales assistance. This allows retailers to keep overhead low by having low cost employees. However, independent retailers that specialize in high quality products require higher levels of expertise and experience. Our products are designed to help independent retailers highlight their expertise and enhance their profit.
Lasting Value
The old adage: “You get what you pay for” never had more meaning. Sometimes the cost difference between average and excellence isn’t very much – an amount you probably won’t remember a year or two from now. For only a few dollars more you can buy higher quality products offering greater satisfaction and lasting value from your local retailer.
Better Customer Service
Regardless of the best laid plans, bad things happen – things break, shipping damage occurs or parts are missing. With your local independent retailer, you are not as likely to get caught up in red tape and corporate policies in resolving problems. Reputation is extremely important for the small business owners and they are more likely to go the extra mile to provide for your satisfaction.
Jobs for Small Businesses
As a domestic manufacturer, we create jobs. Small business is the backbone of America, not Wall Street or corporate America. According to Forbes, 65% of new jobs created since 1995 were created by small business. Also, one needs to consider the spin-off effect of local businesses. A successful business needs the support of other local businesses – parts, supplies, accounting, tax and legal services, etc.
Growing Local Economy
According to the American Independent Business Alliance, each dollar spent at independent businesses return three times more money to the local economy than the same amount spent at a national chain. So let’s keep the dollars close to home and improve the growing local economy.
When you shop at local businesses, you’re choosing to buy from companies whose people live and work beside you. Often, these people will provide more informed purchasing and more satisfying service. When you seek products offering higher levels of satisfaction, you must not overlook your local independent businesses.
Safe Guard, Champion Safe and Superior Safe have centered their efforts on helping the independent retailer be successful in its local community. Our focus on design, manufacturing, affordable pricing, product quality, customer service and warranty support will continue to center on supporting independent retailers. We are proud that our safe production supports the American economy and also creates local jobs for fellow Americans.